Monday, 14 May 2012

10 biggest Annoyances of human existence part 2


The sun is this big old ball of fiery crap that apparently helps things grow, but not without being so bright you can’t even look at it with the naked eye. Worse, too much direct sunlight will burn your skin, an uncomfortable experience that really isn’t necessary. Thousands and thousands of years under sunlight, and humankind has not yet developed a natural repellent to sunburn? Talk about nonsense. Artificial products are needed to avoid burns and might not always work, and are often forgotten in the moment of just wanting to go somewhere and live your stupid life. Another horrible effect of sunburn includes the possible development of cancer (see above), so just for being here on earth, having never asked to be born, you can get cancer just for being outside and maybe having a good time. Forget you, sun.

Mental Problems

The most destructive human patterns are often attributed to a “mental illness”. Not only is it sometimes total nonsense what some people consider a mental illness, but even if what you’re dealing with is, in fact, a mental illness, it’s stupid that the person has to suffer it. Some illnesses even encourage self-destruction or harm towards others with all kinds of stupid reasons, and it sucks. Once you get past all the discrepancies on mental illness in people and find the common bond, you find a problem with “memory”. Memory helps you do stuff you did before, like you did before, and also helps humans retain information they need at a later time. But, despite a few anomalies, most people can’t remember crap. Memory is too easily distorted, confused and generally lost. It’s a half-assed product that needs to be revised. Better memory would not only aid historical documentation, it would make nostalgic moments more lively and personal than artificial alternatives that have been developed as a result of memory sucking, such as videotaping (which is not always an option on hand).

Money and Economic Viability

This spot on the list was originally reserved for “hard work”, but upon further deliberation, one finds “hard work” is not the problem. In fact, hard work results in pride and/or satisfaction via accomplishment. Therefore, the real problem tied to hard work is economic viability, as more often than not, humans find themselves doing activities outside of their trade or passion, because their trade or passion is not considered to be economically viable, or enough to earn them livable funds. That’s where “hard work” becomes torturous and unenjoyable, two factors which shouldn’t exist. Jobs are often taken just to make enough money, which is mostly only an obligation due to things like, we need to pay for food and eat to survive (see above). This is not only something that most people never agreed to, but it’s an unfair concept on the planet filled with cheaters, thieves and irrational deliberation of funds (some get by easily and do less than others who do more and struggle). Even worse, those in government are typically the most greedy of all, and luck often determines a person’s role since birth as to whether or not they have any advantage over the matter (for example, “dynasties”). Unfair, and it sucks. We need a new perspective on “worth”. One can even go mad upon realization that such economies are based on nothing more than shiny stones, typically gold. What’s so special about gold? It doesn’t feed you, or improve health. It just sits there, all shiny and yellow. Well, so does my urine.

Effects of Aging

As the author of this list, I must admit that I am only 26 years old and have yet to feel the most substantial effects of aging. But already, I notice I am aching way more easily than I did as a 13-year-old, and that’s lame. With powers of observation, I realize it gets worse, as millions of people have demonstrated a slowing down of physical and mental prowess due to their aging, and the few that have managed to upkeep themselves still had to bust their ass to do it. It’s an automatic labor in life, taking care of your body due to age, so that shouldn’t be. It might not even matter for some: things like osteoporosis kick in and mess you up without discretion. Healthy as an ox one day, useless and a bad driver the next. Aging is out of control and it needs to cut the crap. Around 30-something, give or take, your body should “lock in” at a peak physical point. No more slowing down. The body should overall just age favorably, including faster healing time on all skin damages, natural and thorough repair from all deformities, and no more sagging nonsense (we’ve already covered bones). If you go a step further and say involuntary “death” should not occur, well, just consider you might get bored and this would be one jam-packet planet.

1Not Knowing Why We’re Here

Among all creatures on this planet, human beings are probably the only (if not one of the few) species pondering why we are here in the first place. As far back as recorded history goes, several explanations in the form of “religion” or similar “faith”-based doctrines have surfaced to help humans cope. They offer fascinating theories, but given lack of touchable and visible evidence conclusive among all, you must only “trust” with feeling such a theory is true (hence “faith”). On the other hand, and oftentimes competitive to such “faith”-based explanations, is the use of science to find tangible evidence of life’s origins in the universe and cosmos, or right here on this planet, typically resulting in theories of “evolution”. However, even those theories have come up short for a thorough conclusion. Some people have even given up on both and don’t care, or profess belief in nothing at all. Regardless, the sheer fact there are multiple ways to consider the origin of life is alone stupid, for it opens the door to endless arguments with others, headaches while alone, and just general misunderstanding and forced compromise. It’s the ultimate mystery, requiring first-person summary to feel settled, if anything, but never getting solved among the species with a 100% globally-accepted conclusion. The only escape is living life, diverting your attention with anything else during your existence, and hoping for the best. Forget that. We should not be left in the dark, and having to struggle, and deal with aforementioned crap in the meantime. You’re already dealing with starvation, sunburn, and so forth. On top of it all, there’s no single inarguable explanation of life’s origins? What a gyp.

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