Monday, 14 May 2012

Finally, a Spray That Gets You Instantly Drunk for Just a Few Seconds

Sometimes, getting drunk is just too much workThank goodness someone has finally invented a product that allows you to sit back, spray some liquid into your mouth and bam! — instant drunken stupor.
French American scientist David Edwards has unveiled WA|HH Quantum Sensations, a spray that causes brief intoxication with no aftereffects, Gizmodo reports. Each dose consists of just 0.075 milliliters of alcohol, but according to Edwards, when aerosolized by the spray’s unique mechanism — housed in a stylish, Philippe Starck-designed aluminum tube — it’s enough to make you feel fully intoxicated, though quite briefly. Once the effects wear off, you won’t experience a headache and can even pass an alcohol test.
The product, which goes for about $26, will soon hit European shelves, but no word yet if an American release is in the works. Fingers crossed, though — just think of all the time you could save if you no longer had to slam back those pesky and time-consuming beers to get a buzz.

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